Saturday, August 21, 2010


Today was a very busy day for our house. It started with Stella and I going to the U of A for bid day. I think that I have put on here that we are very excited that my cousin Mallory is going to be a freshman this year and she went through Rush this past week. Today was the day she found out what sorirety she got a bid from, I thought it would be fun to take Stella to see all the action and what she probably has to look forward to in another 16 years. I have to admit that this was probably not one of my smarter moves because it was very hot here today and we had to do a lot of walking. If you are not familiar with the U of A campus lets just say it is a lot of hills, all up and down walking. On a hot day, with a three year old, not the best of ideas but we made it through. I was thought I was being smart and parking by the Greek theater which is were the event starts, I forgot that after they open their envelopes and find out who their bid is from they then all walk to their houses on campus. This was not a big deal, we walked to Mallory's house hung out took photos and told her congrats. The part that I did not think about was the very long walk back to the car, yes, it took us 45 minutes to return to our car. I thought that I was going to be sick by the time we got back, Stella had to be carried part of the way plus I had my bag with the camera and some bottles of Gatorade. Thank goodness for the bottles of Gatorade. Needless to say after that, we did not run the errands we had planned, just went home for a little cool down.

This evening, Jason and I got to have a little fun out on the town by our selves. This never happens! Mike, Gracie's boy friend had a surprise dinner for her 30th birthday. It was so much fun and we got to go because my Aunt and cousin Morgan were in town for Bid day and watched our kids for us. Thank you so much Mel and Morgan! I did not take the camera so I have no photos from the dinner but it was good food and good conversation. Nice to be out with no kids to really worry about.

The large group shot.
Stella was wanting to do all the cheers that they were singing but the only one that she knew how to do was Woo pig Soooie, she was not happy that she did not know the other ones, guess we will be learning some new cheers.
Looking for Mallory in the crowd of girls.

She found her Mallory, but by this time she was hot and sweaty and little tired.

Aunt Mel, Mallory and Morgan

Sister, Mallory and Morgan