Monday, March 26, 2012


It was a great day to take the kids to the park. We went for a walk on the walking trail twice.

 People always talk about Rhett's hair, the funniest thing I get asked is if I think that it is going to stay that red, well, he is 2 and half, it has not changed yet so pretty sure that pretty red hair is here to stay.

 OK this just cracks me up! The kids love to run, but Rhett is FAST! It makes Stella soooooo mad that he will pass her when they are running. Do you see her body checking him to not get past her! He may be faster but she will take him DOWN before she lets him get a head of her! This time next year she is going to have two brothers to try and stay a head of!

 They also played in the creek for a little while, Rhett thought it was cool that I was letting him play in the mud!