Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Today was a big day, Jason and I drive up to Springfield, MO and meet with Dr. Dix and her team. I have to say that I feel so good after going to this appointment and I think that Jason did also. We got a lot of data and learned a lot about gestational diabetes and what is to come in the next couple of weeks. I kind of feel like I have more of a knowledge of what to expect,which is a good thing for the control freak in me!

So, some of the big concerns is the fact that with gestational you will have a larger baby but also that the baby is having to produce so much insulin just like you are because of the sugar levels. One of the greatest things that Dr. Dix told me was that there was nothing that I had done wrong to cause gestational, that you can not stop it from happening if it is going to happen it is going to happen, it all has to do with the placenta but once you have it you have to take care of it. I was also relived to learn that once delivery happens and the placenta is gone then I should be back to my normal self and can stop stabbing myself four times a day!

We first meet with Dr. Dix's nurse Dawn, she need medical health and then did food training with Jason and I, I almost think this ones one of the best things. I have been getting very frustrated on not knowing what was going to keep my sugar levels were they need to be at this point, I am hungry but not eating because I just don't know what to eat! Well, she set up a plan, gave me a TON of documents to go through and read that have different nutrition information but most of all she said that  I have to have three meals a day and three snacks a day but I am NEVER to skip the bed time snack. (I thought this was funny because Jason likes to tease me about my bed times snack and now I am being told to have one!) I had also cut out all of  my carbs and she wants me to add a small amount of them back into the equation because Cy needs the carbs. We also talked about the medication that I am taking and she doubled my dosage because I am having such large spikes in my sugar levels, I am still on a a very low dosage, 2.5mg a day and we can go all the way up to 20 before we would have to start talking about me having to do any form of shots.

We next went to the ultra sound tech and spent a good amount of time with her doing all kinds of different measurements on Mr. Cy. He is still measuring a head of the pack, he is 31 weeks and measuring at about 33-34 weeks. It was very cool to see all the different things that we was measuring and she is pretty sure that he has a head full of hair just like his brother did when he was born!

Once all of this was done we got to meet with Dr. Dix, what a wonderful lady! She was great about answering all the questions that we had and really laid out what to expect in the up coming weeks until it is time for Cy to make his arrival. I don't have to go back to her office unless for some reason my sugar levels go really crazy. I just have to keep them up to date on my sugar levels by e-mail until Cy arrives. I will be seeing my wonderful Dr. Clouarte once a week and going to have stress test done on Cy twice a week until he arrives. We are looking at a delivery at 37-38 weeks if not sooner, I will be having another ultra sound in three weeks to check on how much Cy has grown at that time and it should help make a finale decision on when we should deliver.

So, I am feeling much better about what life has in store for the next couple of weeks. I know that there is gong to be a lot of Dr. appointments and scheduling/shuffling the kids around but we will survive!  I am very ready to see my new little man, I am just praying for his health once he arrives and that his body can make the adjustment to not having to produce so much insulin once he is out of me.


Connie said...

So glad the peeps in Springfield were so wonderful!