Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Soccer, yes, we had soccer this evening. It is always a challenge to see how she will do each time. I really thought it was going to be horrible this evening, it started off with a spanking and tears. I guess I should know that it can only go up from there? She did pretty well this evening, I consider it a success if she does at least 50% of the activity, she did about 40% this evening so that is not so bad to me. Jason does not think this is such a success but then again it has got to be harder on him because he is the one actually out on the field with her. I do think that one of the major problems for us is that she has to wait her turn at each drill. She loves when it is her turn but having to wait on other to go bores her and she finds other things to do then does not want to take her turn. If we could just keep her moving life would be great. This is a problem that we have with lots of activities, probably an issue that is going to be on going in the future. (Did you notice that we had to wear our "whistle"? Think I might need to go and buy her a real one but then again I do not want to listen to her blow that thing!)

Stella loves to look at the clouds and tell you what shape or animal they look like, had to do something while she waited on everyone else to take their turn.