Our day started off pretty normal and low key. Stella did not get up till 8 and climbed in bed with me to get some cuddle time. Rhett woke up around 8:30 and was happy to see everyone. Stella found these rollers in my bathroom and wanted them in her hair. I have been wanting to do this for a while so thought we have nothing else going on around here might as well play a little.She was making faces for me, this was her LOUD face. Rhett took a morning nap and Stella actually wanted me to take some photos of her. I have to jump at these chances because lately she freaks out if she sees the camera in my hands.
We just hung out in the living room and she let me take picture after picture. She was having fun making faces for me.
This is the deer in the headlights look!
No, I would never allow my daughter to jump on our furniture to get a funny shot of her, never!
I thought that we were going to have a pretty low key evening but things turned a little crazy right before Jason got home. The kids were both up from their naps and I was in the other room and heard Rhett screaming. I walk into the living room and pick him up and am getting onto Stella because she has gotten the food process her out, as I am talking to her I realize that I see spots of blood all around me but can not figure out were they are coming from. I finally realize that Rhett has cut his finger on the hand that is at my back. I take him to the bathroom and run it under cold water and apply a compress to try and stop the bleeding. (I realize that I can not reach the first add kit because I live in a house with a man that is a foot taller than me and I am never able to reach anything!) About thirty minutes pass and I kind of start to get a little worried because I can not get the cut to stop bleeding but Rhett is not really upset just sucking at his passie and whimpering, Stella is freaking out because there is blood all over the floor.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
I finally suck it up and call Jason to find out when he will be home. (Can I ask this, why when you call your husband and say when are you going to be home they have to ask why before they can answer the question? Isn't me asking when you are going to be home pretty self explanatory?Anyways, I love you Jason!) He informs me that he is pulling into the drive. I think well crud because the man does not handle blood well, you get paper cut and he wants to pass out. At this point I have realized that the cut is going down the middle of Rhett's ring finger nail but really can not tell how deep. Jason takes one look and loads us up in the truck and we are off to the Well quest. (I have to admit that we were really bad and I sat in the back seat with Rhett on my lap on the way there, I had to hold his hand and keep pressure on his finger other wise we would have yuck all over the place.)
Once at Well quest, they took our information and told us that a nurse would be right with us. I am sure that I was a real sight for the other people in the waiting room. I had thought I was going to get to work out this evening and was in a tank top, yoga Capri pants, flip flops and no make up and blood all over my arms and shirt! Rhett was going great as long as I was the one holding him. A nurse came out right as I realized that I had gotten the bleeding to stop. She looked at it and I realized at the same time that he has pretty much sliced his nail off his finger but it was still attached on one side. (Sorry, to anyone that all of this is really grossing out!) She got him to move his fingers around, which of course made it start bleeding again but she did not think that we really needed to do anything because the nail will eventually come the rest of the way off, and a new one will grow back in its spot. She was really nice and helped me get it to stop bleeding again and bandaged up. Of course my little rug rat had the bandage off before we left the office and back to bleeding.
When we got home we had to put four band aids on his finger to get it to stay were he can not get it off! He is not trying to chew on them! Well, the point of the story is that Rhett has had his first rush to the emergency room, I am sure with him being a boy it is the first of many to come. I am just really glad that it turned out to be something pretty simple. I now have to go and find a better location to keep the food process.
Posted by Lindsey at 9:33 PM
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