Jason could not figure out why our junk draw would not open and close, while I was gone he cleaned it out, this might be part of the reason. I keep storing random tools that I use during the day in there and I think that we have enough finger nail clippers and scissors for everyone.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Posted by Lindsey at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The best photo of the two of my kids together these day! He is just way to much on the move and she can not stay focused on what I want her to do!
Posted by Lindsey at 7:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Rhett is on the go you never know were to find him!He does love the dishwasher, tries to climb into it anytime the door it open. I caught him today before he could actually get in it.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Today was the big day, Stella has gone two weeks with no accidents, Jason told her if she went two weeks with out any accidents she could get her ears pierced. We took her at lunch today because the place that does it had two people working and I wanted to have both ears done at the same time. I could just see us getting one done and then her not letting them finish! Stella was so excited and I have to say she did great and loves them! I will admit that I was a nervous wreck and thought I was going to be sick while waiting on them to do, I think that I was feeling guilty because we did not tell her that it was going to hurt!Yeah, it does not feel good mommy!
Suckers make everything just right!
So proud of herself!
Posted by Lindsey at 7:37 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
We are home from the lake and not really doing a lot. I have been trying to tackle all the laundry! How can you have so much dirty clothing from just one weekend. I have been trying to stop and eat lunch with the kids each day. I am really bad about giving the kids some food and then running around the house and getting things done while they are eating but I realized the other day that I need to stop and enjoy those moments and listen to what they are saying and doing. I have also realized that if I sit with Stella she will eat all of her lunch instead of wanting to find out what I am doing. She is such a wonderful little girl and always wanting to be my helper.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:34 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Everyone left early this morning but Jason, the kids, my brother, Brandi and I all stayed and took the boat out one more time before heading home. Rhett took a good thirty minute nap before we stopped to swim.
She is going to love us for this one day! Good think we carry the potty with us, one little girl had to take care of some business while out on the boat!
Posted by Lindsey at 7:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
We got to the lake last night with everyone and have been having so much fun. This kids are doing great and all had so much fun swimming today. To think we have three 2 year old, 1 three year old and a 10 month old plus eight adults we are having a blast. The kids are playing great and even going to bed pretty well with that many people in one house. Casey swimming with Rhett and Colby.
Stacey, Brooklyn, and Colby.
Stella was worn out from swimming, poor thing just wanted to lay down and knows that we will not let her take her live jacket off when she is on the dock.
Going on a boat ride with all the dads, I think that Stella was more wanting to go and take a nap but all the same she did great.
Rhett on his first boat ride, Thank you Mr. Fields for hanging onto my baby. They said about two seconds after they left the dock he was a sleep.
Brooklyn wanted to drive the boat!
What were us mom's thinking letting the four guys drive off with our five children? We were thinking that we needed a break and got to hang out on a very comfy large raft while they were gone.
We put the three big kids in the tub together this evening. Stella had a nice cone going on with her hair.
Colby helped her get the soap out!
Rhett just being Rhett, happy and hanging out.
Colby and Stella talking on the phone and hanging out till bed time.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
Rhett hanging out on his changing station. I love that you can see all his teeth in this photo, he has six in total but think that a few more might be in the works. He is such a happy guy, we really are blessed.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Stella loves her sand box but I do not love the sand that she brings back into the house! it is a good thing that we have wood and tile floors! I think all I do is sweep them these days but I love the fact that she is outside and playing on her own.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
This little man has been busy and is keeping me on my toes. He has been pulling up and walking along the furniture for a while now but he is trying to stand up with out any help. I have a feeling walking is in his future, good heavens my life is going to get very entertaining.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Stella is always seeing me paint and begs to be able to paint with me. Today I had some extra canvases so I got the paint and let her make a master piece for her daddy. It turned out pretty cute but also was a big mess, good thing we were outside and had no clothing on her!
Posted by Lindsey at 7:16 AM 0 comments