Rhett has become such a happy baby sense the surgery last week. I really do think that he was uncomfortable from the hernia and hydrocele. He also has started sitting up on his own, rolling over and will ride in his car seat with out screaming! These may not seem like a big deal to anyone else but being able to go on a ride with out him freaking out and having to make sure you have a bottle set up so that it never leaves his mouth for the whole car ride makes life so much better.I was getting dinner ready to night and he was hanging out in one of the chairs just watching me and smiling. He has started making the Mmmm sound and I think that he has said mama a couple of times or at least that is what I am telling myself that he is saying!
Stella was in her room this evening, Jason and I were like what is she doing? She comes out of her room with out her jumper on, put on her baby headband, and these wrist/ankle bands from an old Halloween costume. She was just cracking us up and dancing around.
Poor Rhett, he needs to start crawling so that he can get away from her!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Posted by Lindsey at 6:41 PM
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