Today I took the kids to Springfield, MO to visit my grandmother who is in the hospital with a broken hip. She had surgery and is doing really well, they are moving her to a rehabilitation center tomorrow. My brother is being super guy and taking care of my grandfather this week. We are all going to be doing a lot of driving back and forth over the next couple of months taking care of everything. We stopped at their home while we were in town to check on everything and Stella was being Suzie home maker and cleaning for grandma.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by Lindsey at 6:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
** Don't know why but all of my photos posted backwards so you have to read from the bottom going up.Big hugs for me, I love this girl.
Jason and Stella looking for fish in the creek.
Even Rhett loves hanging out in his stroller, all you see is his feet bouncing up and down.
This evening the kids and I went over and picked Jason up from work to go to the park for a walk. It was a lot of fun and wonderful just being outside.
My little red head, such a handsome guy.
Have I told you how much I love this little guys eye lashes.
This afternoon Rhett had woken up from his nap but Stella was still asleep. Rhett came and hung out with me while I was working in the flower beds. It was nice just to have a little time for the two of us and get to giggle and play in the sun.
Posted by Lindsey at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
You may have noticed in the past couple of days that Rhett has a new feature, he is now taking a passey. Of course, he only likes it when it is like this, upside down, he likes to march to the beat of his own drum and that is just fine with me.
Posted by Lindsey at 4:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Bath time this evening, always fun when dad lets us have bubbles.
Posted by Lindsey at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Saturday evening we got to attend Brooklynn's 2nd Birthday Bash. It was a lot of fun, always a good time to see all of the kids running around playing with one another. Happy Birthday Brooklynn!Colby was just standing like this, you would have thought that we would not let him in but that was not the case.
Colton is just so cute!
Lauren and Stella had a really good time playing with each other, I think they work well with one anther because Lauren will do what Stella tells her. Stella is such a little boss.
Yep, he is handsome!
They came out of Lauren's room dressed like this and then Stella started to poss for us!
I love Mr. Jackson's curls! He is so cute.
Yes, ladies he is single if you are interested and he will hold babies, well if you thrust them into his arm and give him no choice!
Brooklynn opening her presents.
Yes, they let Colby and Brooklynn just dig into the cake, I was really glad that Stella did not see this.
This was a sign that we were ready to head home!
Posted by Lindsey at 7:09 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 26, 2010
I had bunco this evening and Jason's flight did not get into town until 9PM so the kids got to hang out with Gigi and Pappi until Jason got home. Pappi took Stella to pick up Jason and my mom helped her make this sign to great him. We are very happy to have him home and have missed him bunches. Rhett is just hanging out on our bed this evening not really ready to go to sleep just yet but he was looking kind of cute so I snapped these photos of him.
I love those eyes!
Posted by Lindsey at 9:50 PM 0 comments