We had such a fun New Years Eve! We went to dinner with some of our friends and then headed over to the Pianalto house to hang out. Miss L and Stella play really well together, it amazes me. Rhett is just such a little man walking around flirting with all the ladies. We all have such a good time getting to hang out and talk with our friends, it was the perfect way to end the year and start a new one.Kelly and her beautiful mother.
The kids playing in the garage riding Miss L's new bike. I was blown away at how good they were at sharing.
The boys being nerds, notice that they all have their cell phones out doing something that only they would think is funny.
Miss Linda gave the kids some ice cream, she knows how to win over some 3 year olds to do what ever she wants!
Miss L has the prettiest brown eyes!
The kids had on their jammies most of the evening and were running around playing in them.
Yes, these three ladies were giggling fools so excited to be feeding my son some ice cream!
Casey is such a sport, letting the girls come up with new hairstyles for her, she was looking smashing.
Rhett was about done and Mr. Rick was being a good Papi and helping hold him.
The boys!
The Ladies!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Posted by Lindsey at 8:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tonight before bed I let Stella have a cookie, I do not know what I was thinking but every now and then you can treat yourself to some sugar before bed.
Posted by Lindsey at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Stella was a lucky lady tonight, she got to go with Daddy, Papi, Gigi, Uncle Kyle and Ms. Brandi to the Razorback Basketball game. She loves going to the games because she gets popcorn, hot dogs, and a sprite. I have to be honest I am not sure she really cares if she sees the game it is more about the snacks.
Posted by Lindsey at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
A boys best friend, these two could stand and stair into each others eyes all day. Rhett loves when we let him in the house or he gets to go outside and play with him.
Posted by Lindsey at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 26, 2010
We were all loading up the cars today to make the drive back to our houses and Rhett was hanging out getting into more stuff. He could not figure out how to work my e book so he thought my wallet would be fun to mess with.
Posted by Lindsey at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas! Rhett was up bright and early to see what Santa had brought him this year. He did a pretty good job because Rhett sits and drives his car all over the place, of course, he does go backwards, forward is a little tough for him yet! While we were all waiting on Stella to wake up Uncle Kyle thought it would be a great idea to try out the toy that Santa dropped off for Stella, He looked kind of silly doing it though!
Finally at 9 Uncle Kyle could not take it anymore and went upstairs and woke Stella up to open gifts! (Do I have the only kid that has to be woken up to see what is under the tree!)
Stella likes her plasma car but at this point she was still sleepy.
Very excited about those stockings. (Probably the chocolate that her father told her she could have a piece of before breakfast)
trying out her new chair
Oh Uncle Kyle got this pimp robe and his favorite present of all the shaker, we will let you know how that works out on his flabby arm muscles in a few weeks. :)
Rhett got a few balls this year under the tree, he was one very happy boy trying to carry them all over the house.
The fit he threw when he saw people eating breakfast and thought we weren't going to feed him!
Our family at lunch. We had such a wonderful meal cooked by my mother. I know that it is a lot of work for her but we really enjoy it and lover her lots for doing it. I hope everyone has had a wonderful, blessed day.
Posted by Lindsey at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
It is Christmas Eve! The family has arrived, cookies have been baked (we won't talk about the ones that I tried to make, they are in the trash and we will be leaving the baking to others in the future.) The puzzle is out being put together, food is being prepared for the feast that we will have tomorrow. Life is good but most important is the reason that this evening is being celebrated, the birth of our savior. What a reason to celebrate and be with family. I do love my family and the memories that we make each year. Rhett getting some snuggle time with his Gigi, she does have a good lap to get some love in when you are tired.
Stella was getting things ready for Mr. Clause.
Papi was getting the turkey ready for the next day, yummy!
Santa we have some good stuff here waiting on you.
Hope you don't mind that Stella gave it a taste test for you.
This is what Rhett does when you are cooking, he wants to be in your arms to see what is going on, maybe he will be a cook and I will never have to cook again! I know, I know I live in a dream world. We hope that everyone is having a wonderful time with their loved ones, Merry Christmas.
Posted by Lindsey at 8:15 AM 0 comments