We were very lucky and got invited over to the Pianalto's house for New Years Eve. The kids got to play and the adults got to hang out. We had some wonderful spaghetti by the Mhoon family. The Field's and the Pellin's left a little early but us party animals (by this I mean the ones of us that stayed up past nine) stayed and played a fun game (which the women won!) We, of course, were home by 10:30 and had Stella in bed but I did ring in my New Year rocking the little man (maybe I should not call him a little man anymore sense at the Dr. today he weighed in at 18 pounds) to sleep. I have to say that was pretty good way to bring in the new year, cuddled up in the big chair rocking him in my arms. This is Miss Brooklyn Fields, is she not the cutest thing! I think that she everything that is opposite of my daughter.
Stella eating one of her green beans, she was not happy with my because the mean mom that I am was making her eat her dinner before she could have anything else. I later that evening found her under the table with a box of cookies the little sneak lucky for her, she had finished her dinner already.
Colby and Stella were so funny, they would take all of Colby's stuffed animals and hide and then jump out.
Alison I just had to put this in here! It made me laugh but you will probably want to yell at me later.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Years Eve
Posted by Lindsey at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Just a Little Climber
My mother likes to let me know that this is what Stella gets from me, the ability to climb anything and everything! I thought I was being smart and rearranged the furniture in Rhett's room because she was using the chair to get in his bed. Well, she showed me! This is what I caught her doing the other day, good thing I have learned to put Rhett towards the back of the crib. I am pretty sure Rhett is scared for his life, which with me as his mother and Stella as his sister he probably should be.
Stella was very proud of herself.
Posted by Lindsey at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Lunch Time
Today Stella was eating her lunch and I was messing with the camera. I love these photos cause they just catch her being her, in the moment.Telling me not to take her photo.
Trying to hide her face.
Decided that she had no choice but to have her photo taken so might as make them funny. ( I wonder who she get this from, Jason)
Posted by Lindsey at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Stella was eating dinner last night and I looked over and this is what she had on, I was just cracking up. Her new apron and one of Rhett's hats, the peanut butter and jelly on her face just make it all the better.
Posted by Lindsey at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day
This is what we woke up to Christmas morning! I was probably more excited about the white Christmas than anyone else. Stella was so funny, we had to finally wake her up to come downstairs to open her presents. So, she was kind of in a daze and had some rocking hair going on.
She was very excited that Santa had brought her a kitchen to play with, even more excited when she realized that it got to go to our house!
She looked very cute in the apron that Gigi made for her.
Rhett was up and happy Christmas morning, not sure that dad was as happy to be up.
Kyle got to hand out the presents
Stella in her new head band and apron.
Stella was explaining that this was her new camera and you push this button to take photos
I thought that Stella would like to go for a walk while we waited on lunch. Well it was a good idea but did not end so good. One little girl on a sugar over load having a melt down.
Rhett just hanging out being a happy little guy.
Rhett having his Christmas dinner.
We tried something new this year, a turduckin. (Not sure if that is how you spell it.) It was really good and for those of you that do not know, it is a chicken, inside a duck, inside a turkey.
Jason getting ready to open it up
We had a really good Christmas, anytime spent with family and enjoying one another is a great time. I hope all of you had a truly blessed Christmas.
Posted by Lindsey at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
We spent Christmas at our families lake house with Gigi, Pappi, Grandpa Sam, Grandma Mary, Uncle Kyle, and Uncle Mike. Christmas eve my mom (Gigi) and I spent most of it getting ready for the next day. Stella joined us for a while in the kitchen helping make some of the chess pie. Rhett was hanging out with the guys watching TV. I have to say that this year was a lot of fun because Stella understood more of what was going on and that Santa would be here soon. Stella was trying to get everyone to come with her to fee the reindeer.
For some reason she was lining them up on the railing. We kept telling her to just throw them out on to the grass but she was not having any of it.
It was time to leave some cookies for Santa.
Of course we had to make sure that they tasted good enough for him!
It started snowing so Jason and Stella wanted to play in it before bed time. (Great idea dad!)
Rhett sleeping through all the commotion.
Posted by Lindsey at 12:39 PM 0 comments