Saturday, June 28, 2008

Birthday Part 2

Thursday evening for Stella's birthday we went over to Gigi and Papa's house for Stella to open presents. She was very excited to get her wagon and go for a ride in it. We then got to go to dinner and Stella chose Granite City Grill, a very good choice if I do say to myself. We ended the evening with a little Andy's ice cream. All in all it was a great day. (Her are some photos for the evening, for some reason I can not get them to post in order) At dinner being cute.

This photo is for Jason because he says that I do not have any of Stella and I together.
Gigi took Stella for a ride in her new wagon

At dinner looking like a demon!

Checking out her wagon of gifts. She is one very lucky little girl.

Opening some presents, loving the tissue paper.