Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Toddler Bed Day 2

Well, Day two in the toddler bed did not go so great. Stella never took a nap, she stood at her door for over an hour crying saying "no nice mommy, mommy no nice". After an hour of feeling like a horrible mother I just gave in and let her come and watch some cartoons with me. I thought that she would then be very tired for bedtime. Needless to say we started the bedtime process of getting her in PJ's and reading a story at 9, at two this morning she finally was a sleep on the floor of her room. At that point I did not care were she ended up sleeping as long as she was sleeping and I could go to bed.  Jason is ready to turn the bed back into a crib but I think that we need to stick with it for at least a couple more nights before we give up. The good news was she did sleep till 10 this morning, so at least I got sleep last night.