Thursday, March 17, 2011

Luck be a Lady

Today is St. Patty's day, it a super special day for me because it was my Papa Bill's Birthday. When I was a kid I would spend every spring break at his house and it always use to fall on his birthday. I have wonderful memories of spending that time with him and doing special things. I loved my Papa and he is greatly missed.

Stella and Rhett had school today, they were both all dressed up in their green but I forgot to get a photo of them this morning before school, BAD MOMMY! They each had a party in their rooms and a little leprechaun came to Stella's classroom and left behind some gold coins. The best part of the day for this mommy was the fact that Stella not only got all of her gum balls from Mrs. Alicia but she got a bonus one for being really good! This makes two weeks of wonderful reports from Stella's teacher, I thought that I might cry I was so proud of that child. Of course she walks up to me with her hands on her hips and says with all the sass that a three and half year old has (which is a lot) and says "Mommy, I was so good I got an extra bubble gum, my daddy's going to get me that Barbie tonight!" You know what, she was correct her Daddy, her Mommy, her Gigi and everyone else in her family would probably have gotten the child anything she asked for just because she has been doing so good at school! These are two photos of her playing with one of her new Barbie's that she got this evening.