OK, I am shocked that I am saying this but Stella turned 9 months old this week! My little baby is turning into a little lady. We took her to see Dr. Cadle on Friday afternoon for her check up. This was a fun visit because it did not include any shots! Of course, Stella loves Dr. Cadle and all of her nurses, they think she is wonderful with all of her smiles. Dr. Cadle said that she looks great and is developmentally right on track. Dr. Cadle says that she thinks when we come back for our 1 year appointment that Stella will probably even out and be in the 75 percentile across the board. She is just going to be a tall little lady. These are our stats as of right now:
- weight: 23 pounds 4 ounces- This puts us in the 90 percentile
- height: 28 1/4 inches long- This puts us in the 95 percentile
- head: 18 inches- This puts us in the 75 percentile
- 2 teeth, working on # 3 this week
- crawling, standing up, walking along the furniture, anything she can find being placed in her mouth
- hair growth is about an inch long now (Anyone have a wig we can borrow?)
*will post photos later, we are at the lake house and unable to do so here
**As you can see in the photos Jason was having a blast at the Dr.'s office!
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