What a wonderful weekend to be at our lake house, to enjoy being with family, to go to Silver Dollar City for one last visit before Christmas. It was a great weekend to look at my little family of 5 and realize that we really are blessed in what we have in one another. I really wanted a picture of the 3 kids for our Christmas cards to send out to family, cause of course I am not a planner and like to wait to the last minute to do these things. I thought that telling the kids if they would be good then we would be off to SDC to ride rides and look at pretty lights. It was not as great of a motivator as I had thought it would be for them! These are what I got of them, I was kind of disappointed until I sat back and realized how great they show each of their personalities.
Stella, I love you so much, I know that you are at a tough age right now. You are so sure that you are big kid but I want you to stay my little kid for just a little while younger. You are growing up so fast, I am so not ready for some of the conversations we are getting ready to have, I feel so unprepared for moments with you but with all those shaky fist steps that we are taking with each other I grow so much more in love with you, my first baby, my only girl. Stella your daddy is so not ready for the days and years ahead because you are growing into such a beautiful lady, you are well mannered when with others, you have a loving and caring heart, you want to help at every turn. I love to sit back and listen to you read a story, you read with such enthusiasm and such passion, I love the way you turn every story into a play in our living room. Your love of math blows my mind, you totally get that from your daddy and pretty soon I will no longer be able to keep up with you. Stella you are so strong and so smart, we have had some rough moments in the past year but from those rough moments I realize that not only are they making you a stronger better lady but they are making me a stronger person. I hope you know that being your parent is a great joy, a blessing getting to watch you grow into the lady you are becoming.
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