Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Little Chatter Box

Stella is my little chatter box, I can not even begin to tell you how many words she is saying because I can not keep up at this point. She has been putting words together for a while, doing a really good job of getting her point and needs across to both Jason and I. Today I realized that she has started speaking in more complete sentences! I am guessing that she has probably done this a couple of times but it just hit me today. She was telling one of her friends at school today "My mommy changes my poopy diapers." Yes, I do change her poopy diapers and am very proud of her for being able to put all those words together, now if I could just get her not to poop in those diapers you would not believe how excited I could become. I just can not believe how big and grown up my "little" girl is becoming.

*Sorry not photos with this post, just a moment that I wanted to remember as her mother.